Month: January 2008

  • RVT: the Burning Hell

    Mathias Kom a.k.a. “the Burning Hell” Burning Hell has been added to Band Blogs Too, along with Wintersleep, Holy Fuck, Caribou, Sleepless Nights, and the Rocky Fortune.

  • Breaking Links: Tuesday, January 29

    A Moment of Silence for the Book Room: BookNinja reports that Halifax’s “the Book Room” – Canada’s oldest book store (169 years old) will be closing. From “..the retail store couldn’t outlast big box bookstores, Burchell said, nor the ease of ordering books online, competition from book selling pharmacies and grocery stores or the pressure to lower prices…

  • Zina, with an I, Warrior Princess

    Zina Warrior Princess is the latest addition to the podsafe downloads. I met Zina at a Xmas party, the 16 year old niece of a friend. She told me that she’d just put her first song up on Myspace and I told her that I’d love to put her first song on the site. Zina…

  • Television’s Great Weakness

    There is a was a really interesting post on Legion of Decency on Friday about some of the failings of Canadian Television, and for my money television in general. “Our Canadian nets have ignored the overwhelming creative drift toward changing the paradigms and trotted out a selection of knock-offs of shows everybody’s seen and done…

  • Eyes On Toronto Again Feb. 4

    Sabrina Jalees, Laura Barrett and Sasha Von Bon Bon are all coming to the Gladstone on Feb. 4 for the latest installment of Eyes On Toronto. You should definitely be there. If you can’t because you’re busy on a Monday (yeah, right) or because you don’t live in Toronto (ok, I guess) you can still…

  • Urban Planning the Sesame Street Way

    It occured to me while on a walk today that most Torontonians aren’t native Torontonians. 56% of this city wasn’t even born in Canada. But for people around the world, thanks to television, there is a shared experience (if you’re under about 40-45) which is that we all grew up with Sesame Street. I wondered…

  • The Beginning of the End for Queen West

    City council has approved the first big box store for Queen West. From the Globe and Mail via Spacing: Like it or not, Queen West, which the Globe calls “Toronto’s only commercial heritage district” is getting a Home Depot. The Globe’s article is full of assurances From Adam Vaughn: “I’ve never seen a perfect building,…

  • How She Move – down another route

    It’s likely you’ve seen ads around for How She Move, the latest Rocky-type hip-hop step-dancing movie, in wide release today. You might not have noticed two details about it: 1) It’s a Canadian movie (not a runaway production), and 2) those ads are turning up on U.S. stations maybe more than Canadian stations – and…

  • Improv Everywhere Global Because Pants are Overrated

    Do you remember Improv Everywhere? The people that brought you the International No Pants Subway Ride recently? Well they too are now getting in on the whole social media thing. They’ve created a Ning site and set up the Improve Everywhere Global site so that you can meet other like minded individuals and conspire to…

  • Canadian Authors Virtually In the Classroom.

    Through I recently found out about W.E.I.R. which stands for Writers In Electronic Residence. According to the web site: •An educational initiative that focuses on Canada’s literary culture through creative literary expression and critical discussion undertaken in a writing—and written—community; and, An arts initiative that creates new forms of work for Canada’s writers, and…