Month: January 2008

  • Help Clean Up Toronto With Your Phone

    From the Globe and Mail. Two Toronto City Councillors are pushing for a new program that would allow citizens to send text messages or camera phone pics to the city and point out problems. “Councillors Cesar Palacio and Joe Mihevc want to create a Web-based reporting system similar to the “Love Lewisham” program, through which…

  • Bruce McDonald Film Tracey Fragments goes Open Source

    The Tracey Fragments Re-Fragmented: Bruce McDonald has released all of the raw footage, music and the script to the Tracey Fragments under a Creative Commons licence. Think you’re a good editor? Want to prove it? The folks at the Tracey Fragments have put all of the raw footage, all of the music (from Broken Social…

  • More Chances to See the Tracey Fragments

    If you haven’t seen Bruce Mcdonald’s film the Tracey Fragments yet, you’re about to get another chance. The film, which stars Ellen Page and features a score by Broken Social Scene is easily my pick for the best film of 2007. It won’t actually win an Oscar, those are about Hollywood politics and box office…

  • You’ve Been Accepted into MIT

    Anyone, anywhere can now attend MIT (the Massachusetts Institute of Technology) over the internet, from home, for free. I’ve known about this for awhile, but after reading an article in the Globe and Mail over the New Years holiday it occured to me that I’ve never blogged about it and that there may well be…

  • Edmonton Group Set’s Blogging World Record

    From Maple Leaf 2.0 a group of Edmontonians has set the record for the world’s largest community blogging project. The group set the record for largest community blogging event in the world on New Year’s Day for posting news about community events and local issues on blogs which were then compiled into one online journal….

  • Earideas – Podcast Listening Made Easy

    I actually found out about this awhile ago through Hugh McGuire’s blog and have been meaning to mention it. Earideas is a currated collection of the best audio available online. Or, in Hugh’s own words: * it’s a curated collection – only the very best quality is in there
* it’s targeted – the collection slants…

  • This Blog Didn’t Raise No Dummies

    So I found this cool little tool that checks the reading level of your blog and So then I checked other areas of the site (checking on the company I keep) Like the Canblogs and the News section even the band blogs (wow Canada has smart musicians)

  • Public Domain Day

    It’s January 1 and has a list of works that have entered into the public domain as of today. Welcome to 2008, and let’s welcome into the Public Domain thousands, indeed millions, of creative works from the collective cultural past of our little planet and its many countries. Yes, it’s January 1st, Public Domain…

  • Tips for Beating a Hangover

    Happy New Year everyone!! This is a bit off topic for this blog, but let’s be realistic. It’s New Year’s Day so if you’re still having difficulties: All of these seem to agree that water (or better yet a sports drink like gatorade), caffeine and aspirin and good starting places, beyond that they get a…