Month: December 2007

  • Don’t Miss the Fred Langan Xmas Album

    Because nothing gets you in the holiday spirit like xmas carols combined with financial news.

  • Mark Critch Christmas Poem

    Ever wonder how Mark Critch spends Christmas? Me either, but now you’ll know anyway.

  • joyful sounds of the season

    Though I’m not up on my biblical quotes, the one about “make thee a joyful noise unto the Lord” had a particularly accurate ring to it, in listening to the Gospel Christmas Project concert at Massey Hall lastnight. Lead by CBC personality and composer Andrew Craig, the show featured the considerable and awe-inspiring talents of…

  • A Mix For Insite (a PWYC mixtape)

    The From Blown Speakers blog has a new PWYC mix up featuring some of Vancouver’s finest artists. Even if you can’t afford to give anything, you can download for as little as an email to your MP. The mix exists to support Insite Vancouver’s safe injection site. The full spiel as well as information on…

  • First post

    I was asked awhile back to contribute occasionally to and after a great deal of thought I’ve finally added my first post – which reads alot like this: “There has grown up in the minds of certain groups in this country the notion that because a man or corporation has made a profit out…

  • Canadian Library Association Sides With Canadians

    Michael Geist points to an article in todays Globe and Mail on the Canadian Library Association’s objections to the Government’s copyright bill. From Don Butcher, Executive Director of the Library Association: “This is a battle between Hollywood lobbyists versus the average Canadian,”. In case you miss it, in the reader comments section for this story…

  • Ottawa Hires Weasels to Guard the Henhouse

    This should be interesting, according to the CBC Bell Canada has been awarded the contract to maintain the “Do-Not-Call list”. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad that there is finally going to be a do-not-call list but Bell? When my family and I moved into our current residence we called to have our Bell internet…

  • The Kids are Allright

    Today was a gratifying day for me. I was asked to give a presentation on social media and activism to a group of twelve and thirteen year olds. The conversation went way beyond that. We covered social media, word of mouth, viral marketing, the looming death of traditional advertising, convergence, market fragmentation and the million…

  • Admin Note: the Links Section & More

    I’ve been working on the links section a bit, when I’ve had the time. I still need to add more links but in the music and comedy sections I’ve added ‘sample’ links – these will take you to videos of the person being linked to, so if someone isn’t sure who that is or knows…

  • Breaking Links: Thursday, December 20

    The Loonie has been named Time Magazine’s Newsmaker of the Year. “Time magazine named the loonie the Canadian Newsmaker of 2007, saying the dollar’s rapid rise was a sure sign that “something big was happening in Canada.” From the Hollywood Reporter: Where is this talent wave coming from? Oh, Canada “Look out Hollywood and America,…