Month: December 2007

  • 48 Abell A Memorial

    I’ve added a new subdomain to the site to collect stories, thoughts and memories and to serve as a reminder of the downside of gentrification. Gentrification can mean many things to many people. For a community it can mean a huge economic influx, it can mean more jobs, cleaner, safer streets, affordable housing and increased…

  • A Copyright Carol from Galacticast

    In answer to your question, yes they are usually this brilliant find more at

  • Little Mosque: As Canadian as North Dakota?

    Via TV-Eh?: The CBC sit-com Little Mosque on the Prairie is causing a bit of controversy. It is not because of it’s subject matter, a group of muslims living in rural Saskatchewan, but because of it’s location or lack thereof. The first line of the CBC’s mandate states that it should “be predominantly and distinctively…

  • Copyright is Forever

    Via Robert J. Sawyer: According to this article from the BBC, Egypt has decided to copyright it’s antiquities. “Egypt’s MPs are expected to pass a law requiring royalties be paid whenever copies are made of museum pieces or ancient monuments such as the pyramids.Zahi Hawass, who chairs Egypt’s Supreme Council of Antiquities, told the BBC…

  • podcast

    So I got a new microphone for Christmas and am seriously considering a podcast for 2008. It’s all still up in the air. I haven’t even decided what the thing would be called yet so while I’m still in the early, early planning stages I thought I’d throw the question open and see if…

  • New Russian Futurists Album Done

    The new Russian Futurists album “The Weight’s on the Wheels” is finished and should be released this spring according to the band’s Myspace.

  • Conservatives: Save us From the CBC

    In a fundraising letter this week the Conservative (read Republican) Party asked for financial support from their members. They pointed to allegations earlier in the month that a CBC reporter had provided questions to a Liberal MP to ask during Brian Mulroney’s testimony on the Airbus afair. From Canada East Finley, the party’s campaign director,…

  • Oscar Peterson 1925-2007

    Oscar Peterson, one of the great legends of jazz and one of the best known Canadian musicians in the world has passed. I’m sure you’ll hear alot about him in the next few days, but if you are not familiar Holiday or no, I would have been remiss if I didn’t take a moment…

  • CBC Doc Zone: The Pagan Christ

    Oops, one more. If you’re bored and looking for something to do here’s the CBC Doc Zone presentation the Pagan Christ Part II Part III Part IV Part V

  • Beer Nog: A Bob and Doug Xmas

    I’m off for a couple of days for family stuff. Hope Christmas treats you well (if it’s not something you celebrate just have a good Dec. 25). Here is a classic from SCTV with some practical advice for those of you who don’t like eggnog.