Month: December 2007

  • Toronto: Two Free Screenings of Garbage!

    For those of you in Toronto there are two free screenings of Garbage coming up at the Revue Cinema (400 Roncesvalles Ave.). The first screening, tonight (December 3), is at 7pm. It will be hosted by NDP MP Peggy Nash and while it is free optional donation will be accepted for the Redwood Women’s Shelter….

  • Breaking Links: Sunday, December 2

    Via Boing Boing the US has asserted, in front of a British court, it’s right to kidnap Brits or anyone else it wants to. “The US has told Britain that it is legal under US law to kidnap British citizens from the UK (ineed, anyone from anywhere) if they are suspected of crimes in the…

  • The Pagan Christ on CBC

    A documentary based on Tom Harpur’s excellent book “the Pagan Christ” is set to air on the CBC. Harpur is former Professor of New Testament at the University of Toronto’s Toronto School of Theology and Toronto Star Religion Editor and his book is, for me, where modern Christianity meets the work of Joseph Campbell. So,…

  • Parkdale Food Bank Update:

    While the mechanism still isn’t in place for auto-withdrawals or online donations I’ve set up a facebook group called $5 For the Parkdale Food Bank. The purpose of the group is to gather people who would be willing to make a $5/month donation (via bank account or credit card) to the food bank. $5 may…

  • RVT: Malajube – Etienne d’aout

    Bucky nominated video for Etienne d’aout by Malajube

  • Breaking Links: Saturday, December 1

    Via Boing Boing: Renowned alt. copyright and ‘participatory culture’ system Creative Commons turns 5 on December 15. “..and they’re having parties all over the world to celebrate! The main one, in San Francisco, is on Dec 15 from 10PM to 2AM, at the Terra Gallery at 511 Harrison Street.” VoCA on an art project gone…

  • Lord of the Flies

    William Golding’s “Lord of the Flies” is frequently interpreted as almost a horror novel by adults. From Wikipedia: The story begins with a large number of boys, ages 6 to 12, stranded on a tropical island with no tools to survive, except for a knife. They were being evacuated from a war and their plane…

  • bloody good

    Call is strange, but the first thing my companion and I wanted to do after seeing Sweeney Todd was run to the nearest pub for a… meat pie. The macabre, entertaining account of the ‘Demon Barber of Fleet Street’, with music by Steven Sondheim, isn’t meant to create a hunger for anything, especially the pies…

  • Winter Storm Warning

    Toronto is currently under a winter storm watch please have any military forces not busy elsewhere on stand by thanks 😉