Month: July 2007

  • Will Curry & Co: Tonight at the Drake

    For awhile now I’ve been singing the praises of Will Currie and the Country French though they are all still very young (as far as I know all of them still attend Wilfred Laurier University in Waterloo, Ont.) they already sound..well more like Ben Folds than anything else. There are hints though of Elton John,…

  • The CRTC Wants Your Internet

    So the CRTC is going to look, again, at regulating ‘new media’. If you are involved, at all, in new media this is almost as frightening as Canada Revenue announcing they are going to fix your car, or Canada Post telling you they can deliver your baby. For those of us who have spent years…

  • Penn Kemp: Poetry show and workshops

    Penn Kemp is offering readings and writing workshops to go along with her radio show “Gathering Voices”, a poetry program on CHRW. The show airs Wednesdays at 6 p.m. and if you miss it archived shows can be found on the website. You can also listen to CHRW online (if you don’t happen to live…

  • Miramachi Festival Starts Today

    In Miramachi, New Brunswick the 14th Annual Miramachi Rock-n-Roll Festival kicks off today. The festival is a cellebration of ‘classic’ Rock and Roll faturing the “Overdrive Classic Rock Show” on Thursday. For a full list of events click here.

  • If You’re In or Around Kitchener-Waterloo on July 11

    Join Guest Curator Sally McKay and company for the 3rd Kitchener-Waterloo Art Gallery Biennial starting at 7 pm on Wednesday July 11. DetailsGoogle Map

  • Live At Zeke’s Gallery

    Did you know that you can hear live performances and interviews from Zeke’s Gallery in Montreal? Check out the list at note:Yes, this is the same ‘Zeke’ that recently had his blog shut down for blogging about something that had been reported in the papers.

  • Serena Ryder at the Rehearsal Hall

    Did anyone catch “Live From the Rehersal Hall” last night? This is the type of programming the CBC should be doing. It’s sad that a for profit, private cable station seems to get the mandate better than the Ceeb does. Oh well, Serena Ryder was on doing songs from her major label debut – a…

  • Additions to CanBlogs

    I’ve added 3 new blogs to the CanBlogs section today: Datalibre, which describes itself as “ is a group blog, inspired by, which believes all levels of Canadian governments should make civic information and data accessible at no cost in open formats to their citizens. The data is collected using Canadian tax-payer funds, and…

  • Do Make Say Think, oh and Final Fantasy Too

    On Sunday night at Toronto’s Harbourfront I saw Do, Make, Say, Think live for the first time. Nothing I can say, nor the video below will prepare you for the full power of DMST – with two drummers, two guitars + bass, a full horn section, violin and cello the sound just takes over. Watch…

  • Canadian Renaissance Project: Pt. III

    In the previous two entries on this (here and here) I primarily discussed the idea of a tax exempt status (to a certain level of income) for artists and content creators and why I felt this was necessary and important. I’ve realized however that this is only part of the battle. As long as artists…